“Mediation should be a continuous process, not a single attempt” Sir Geoffrey Voss, Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice in England & Wales

Sir Geoffrey Voss was speaking the November 2024 Civil Mediation Council Conference about how mediation is now enshrined within the court process as a more appropriate form of dispute resolution for achieving successful outcomes in so many disputes. A year after Sir Geoffrey presided over the Court of Appeal case of Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil […]

How Lawyer-Mediator cooperation creates successful outcomes. By Kevin Smyth

Dispute Resolution Lawyers and Mediators, and many are both, know from long experience that timely and thorough preparation significantly enhances the chances of good outcomes being achieved whether it be at a trial or a mediation. This blog focuses on that required in the case of the latter, and particularly so when it comes to […]

Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council: “Ivory tower rubbish” or an opportunity for positive change for litigators and their clients alike?

Change is often difficult to accept. It can feel threatening and often creates resistance, particularly if the change is unwanted and perceived to be detrimental. Therefore, it is natural to find a flurry of negative reactions from lawyers to the Law Society Gazette’s reporting on the Court of Appeal’s judgement in the case of Churchill […]

As of today, the courts of England and Wales can order parties to mediate once more.

After a twenty year hiatus, the courts in England and Wales can, once more, lawfully order parties to court proceedings to engage in a non-court based dispute resolution process, such as mediation. In their judgement this afternoon, in the case of CHURCHILL V. MERTHYR TYDFIL COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Appeal No: CA-2022-001778, The Court of Appeal […]

Peace building on the front line-the work of Concordis International

The Civil Mediation Council annual conference, held on 15th and 16th November 2023 was, as ever, packed with great speakers and content. Talks ranged from what to expect post Halsey and the future integration of mediation in to the court process, neurodiversity in mediation, the possibilities of restorative schools and learning from mediating between armed […]

Judith Hogarth

Faiza Alleg Dolivet

Elizabeth Bilton

Byron Tyson

Kevin Smyth

Neil Boothroyd

Ann Allen Encontre

Helen Johnson

Appointment service required:

Tim Carter

Sheila Gooderham